Manifesting The Kingdom of God Through Signs & Wonders

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Introducing The Nehemiah Group: Building Foundations of Faith

Within the realm of PROPHETIC INVASION FAMILY, we invite you to embark on a transformational journey through our exclusive subscription plans. Each plan is designed with meticulous care, tailored to meet your unique spiritual needs and ignite a fire within your soul.

1. The Nehemiah Group: Restoring the Walls of Faith

In the spirit of Nehemiah, the visionary who rebuilt the walls of Jerusalem, we present The Nehemiah Group. As a member, you will gain access to a wealth of spiritual resources that will fortify your faith and equip you for the challenges of life's journey. Immerse yourself in a tapestry of regular teachings and sermons delivered personally by the prophet. These insightful messages, grounded in biblical wisdom, will nourish your spirit, illuminate your path, and deepen your understanding of God's word. Through the power of technology, you will have the privilege of learning from the prophet's anointed teachings wherever you may be. Additionally, you will receive a weekly newsletter brimming with biblical insights, prophetic updates, and stories of testimonies that will inspire and encourage you. Stay connected with fellow believers through our vibrant community forum, where you can engage in meaningful discussions, share prayer requests, and experience the power of collective intercession. For the nominal investment of $199 per year or $19.99 per month, The Nehemiah Group will be your foundation, guiding you in building a life of faith, resilience, and hope.

2. The Sons and Daughters of the Prophetic Invasion Family: Embracing Your Divine Inheritance

For those seeking a deeper connection and a more profound encounter with the prophetic, we present The Sons and Daughters of the Prophetic Invasion Family. This premium plan unveils a realm of divine revelation and exclusive access to the prophet's teachings. In addition to all the benefits of The Nehemiah Group, you will receive unparalleled insights into the mysteries of the Kingdom. Exclusive prophetic teachings and revelations will be unveiled, illuminating the hidden treasures of God's word and empowering you with prophetic wisdom for your daily walk. Engage in monthly live Q&A sessions with the prophet, where you can seek answers to burning questions, gain clarity on spiritual matters, and receive personal prophetic guidance. Our dedicated prayer team will provide personalized support, interceding on your behalf and partnering with you on your journey. Invest in your spiritual growth and destiny for just $299 per year or $29.99 per month. As a member of The Sons and Daughters of the Prophetic Invasion Family, you will step into your divine inheritance and experience the fullness of a prophetic life.

3. The Elijah's Mantle: Carrying the Prophetic Legacy

For those yearning for a profound, life-altering encounter and a deeper level of mentorship, we present The Elijah's Mantle. This plan is an invitation to walk alongside the prophet, receiving intensive one-on-one guidance and impartation. In addition to all the features of The Sons and Daughters of the Prophetic Invasion Family, you will embark on an unprecedented journey of spiritual growth and transformation. Through an exclusive mentorship program with the prophet, you will receive personalized guidance, unlocking the fullness of your prophetic potential and carrying the mantle of Elijah in this generation. Immerse yourself in a realm of divine encounters through access to exclusive events and retreats, where you will be enveloped in an atmosphere saturated with the presence of God. This elevated level of engagement is available to you for only $399 per year or $39.99 per month.

Join The Family

Step into your destiny, embracing the mantle of Elijah, and become a vessel of God's prophetic invasion.

Choose your plan, and let us walk together on this remarkable journey of faith, growth, and divine revelation. Join us in PROPHETIC INVASION FAMILY today.

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